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John Geerer


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I've been in love with stories and storytelling since I was a little kid.

Originally from Los Angeles, I grew up in a small town in Connecticut. I met my wife, Chris, when I was in the Navy, stationed at Port Hueneme, California.

After the Navy we moved to Michigan, from where Chris hails. I've been here ever since.


Books. Movies. Short stories. I love them all. Worlds created by the imagination are limitless. I felt compelled to create these worlds. Adventure, passion, or horror, lay before me; just over the horizon, in the eyes of a lover, or in an old haunted mansion on a dark and stormy night (Sorry, I had to throw that last one in there just for fun). 


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  To he who hath expunged my life

      To ye shall be eternal strife

   Ye shall not lay in peace like me

      But walk the world eternally

  Ye shall know not but death alone

 For ye shall reap what ye hath sown

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